Amber Miller
Amber Miller was born and raised in southwestern Pennsylvania. She has an interest in biology and animal anatomy, particularly that of birds and insects. In her free time, she enjoys doing nerdy things like reading unassigned textbooks and watching documentaries. She also enjoys cooking and buying shoes that will never be worn. She is currently pursuing an Associate of Fine Arts degree as well as an art business certificate, and has future ambitions of becoming a scientific illustrator at a natural history museum.
Artist Statement
My art has always been the central focus of my life. All my artwork is centered around natural science illustration and anatomy. My interest in biology determines the subjects of my work, which is composed of meticulous illustrations of plants, animals, and insects. All of my drawings are on a small scale that is reminiscent of scientific specimens. Working in this size allows me to work outside of a studio without the hindrance of an abundance of materials. It is vital to the integrity of my work to be able to create art anywhere that inspires creation, so I choose materials that are convenient and compact.
My vision is to create a theme and uniformity, so my nature studies are primarily monochromatic or black and white. Using layers of ink or graphite, I control my pressure to create a broad range of values. I’m fascinated by both the simplicity and complexity of the nature I aim to capture in my work. For this reason, I leave the negative space empty and neutral, and focus on the detail of the specimen. Upon quick glance, my illustrations look simple from a distance. When viewing closer, though, one can see that they are highly detailed, much like elements of the nature I intend to portray. My intention is to construct accurate representations of nature, and to develop my yearning as an artist into a professional skill set that empowers and inspires myself and others alike.